
Friday, December 20, 2019

12/20 Fri: Review Better Buy-Practice with comparing ratios

Image result for winter holidays multicultural

HW: NONE!!  Enjoy the Holiday Break!!  

1. AM Class-work on narrative for Mr. Moore's class. If done, play ratio games!
2. PM Class-Better Buy activity from yesterday (Around the Room Activity-classwork grade)
Snowflakes Craft Activity!!!!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

12/19 Thurs: Better Buy Practice

HW: make up any missing assignments you owe-redo quizzes with low grades

Learning Target: I can choose a product based on the best price (better buy).

1. Review HW page 20 and 21
2. Watch the Comparing Prices BrainPop
3. Around the Room Activity with Better Buy situations
4. Exit Ticket

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

12/18 Wed: Unit Rate Day 2 with Better Buy Intro

HW: page 20 and 21 in workbook

Learning Target: I can find a better buy of products using unit rate.

1. Review HW 18 and 19
Unit Rate practice:
2. Basketball Insanity page 37 and 38 in workbook
3. Jump Roper page 39 and 40 in workbook
Focus Question: How many jumps were made in 1 second?
4. Better Buy Intro: Ms Sobon's Video on Better Buy at the Supermarket
5.  pages 13 thru 17 in workbook with flipchart

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

12/17 Tues: Unit Rate Intro

HW: pages 18 (#7,8, and 9) and page 19-ODDS ONLY in workbook

Learning Target: I can find the unit rate or unit cost.

1. Percent Proportion Quiz
2. Ratio/Proportion Foldable-large group
3. Unit Rate Video INtro
4. Practice page-page 17

Monday, December 16, 2019

12/16 Mon: Percent Proportions Day 2

HW: IXL S5 thru S10 -5 correct in a row and move on
Study for Quiz tomorrow on percent proportions, scales, etc

1. Watch the Ed Puzzle (see Math Google Classroom) and answer the questions as you go
2. AM Group-Exit Ticket Differentiation-
PM Group-take the exit ticket
2. Review HW pages 75 and 76
3. Practice -Legends of Learning Playlists (AM)
PM-Exit ticket differentiation (reteach)

Friday, December 13, 2019

12/13 Fri: Scale and Percent Proportions

HW: pages 75 and 76 in workbook-EVENS ONLY (only 5 problems)
Quiz Tuesday 12/17 on solving proportions, conversions, and percent proportions

LEARNING TARGET: I can find the part of a whole.
I can find the whole given a part.
I can find the percent given a part.

DIN: Page 87 in workbook
1. Review HW page 94
2.Scale Map Activity Packet with video
3. Pages 70-74 in workbook
4. Exit Ticket on Percent Proportions
Supplemental videos: Virtual Nerd-part over whole and Mathantics

Thursday, December 12, 2019

12/12 Thurs: Conversions Practice

HW: Page 94

Learning Target: I can convert measurements using proportions.

1. Review HW page 66
2. AM Class-Exit Ticket Differentiation
Got It Group (check)-IXL R14 and R15 (5 correct IN A ROW and move on)
#2 Group-work with Ms Sobon
 PM Class-Gallon Man, practice from yesterday, and exit ticket, exit ticket differentiation
3. Practice Conversion with Map Scales and Word Problems group work
4. If time, IXL R13 thru R18

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

12/11 Wed: Conversions with Proportions

HW: page 66 

LEARNING TARGET:  I can convert measurements using proportions.

BEFORE CLASS STARTS, YOU WILL NEED: Marker, piece of construction paper from the kidney table, workbook, pencil, calculator, a packet of conversion proportions and a DIN Sheet

DIN: page 50 evens only
1. Review HW page 49
2.  Intro to Converting Standard Lengths ppt-use packet with this (SEE NOTES ON CLASS DOJO FOR THIS)
3. practice page 65
4. Gallon Man-Capacity Make a Gallon Man on a piece of construction paper for your notes.
5. Exit Ticket on conversions

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

12/10 Tues: Solving Proportions

HW: page 49

Learning Target: I can solve a proportion.

1. Review HW 81&82
3. pages 47 to 48

Spirit Week 12/16-12/20
The following themes have been selected and approved: 
M (16th): Holiday color day
T (17th): Grinch Day
W (18th): Festive Sweater Day 
Th (19th): Elf Day
F (20th): Hat day (food and monetary donations will be collected in the lobby)


Monday, December 9, 2019

12/9 Mon: Graphing Equivalent Ratios

HW:  pages 81 and 82 in workbook

Learning Target:I can create a graph of equivalent ratios. I can use the graph to determine whether or not a ratio is equivalent.
 I can identify equivalent ratios, make a ratio table, and graph the points on a coordinate plane.

1. Pass out and review graded quizzes (set up time after school for redos)
2. Graphing Equivalent Ratios
3. Do page 79-80
4. Independent Practice page 85 and 87

Friday, December 6, 2019

12/6 Fri: Showing Equivalent Fractions in 4 Ways

HW: IXL R1 thru R6 and R10 and R11 (5 correct in a row and move on)

Learning Target:  I can display equivalent ratios in 4 different ways.  I can choose the most appropriate way to find equivalent ratios based on preference and the problem presented.

1. Review HW pages 53 and 54
2. Exit Ticket Differentiation
Value of a Ratio-page 51 practice
Check-work with another group. Then, IXL R1 thru R6 (5 correct in a row)
All-reteach with Ms Sobon
Other Group-work with the Check group and then practice IXL
3. Quiz
4. Practice pages 62 (#1,2, and 6), page 60 (#1 a,b, and c) and page 61 (#3 and 4)

Thursday, December 5, 2019

12/5 Thurs: Equivalent Ratio Tables and Double Number Line

HW: pages 53 and 54 in workbook
Review of ratios and ratio tables

I can identify equivalent ratios using tape diagrams and ratio tables.
I can identify ratios using a double number line.
I can find a missing value in a ratio.

DIN: page 12 and 29 in workbook
1. Review pages 26 and 28 HW-review equivalent fractions for equivalent ratios here
2. How to do Ratio Tables; then, pages 25 ans 52 in wkbk
3.  watch LearnZillion Double Number Lines with Ratios and work on Page 24-Double Bar Graphs
4. Practice-page 51
5 Exit ticket

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

12/4 Wed: Tape Diagrams with Equivalent Ratios including Reducing

HW: Pages 26-28 in Workbook 

I can identify equal ratios.
I can represent ratios using tape diagrams.

1. Review HW pages 8 and 9
2. reducing ratio review (like reducing fractions) Click here for summary and tutorial in reducing ratios
3. Equal Ratios video link
4. Tape Diagram Workbook notes together page 22 & 23
5. Practice a couple problems on page 11

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

12/2 Mon: Ratio Intro- Ratio Wording and Writing

HW: pages 8 and 9 in workbook
STUDY the Unit Vocab Quizlet link 

Learning Target:  I can identify a ratio in real world situations.
I can write a ratio part to whole, whole to part, and part to part.

1. Pretest Ratios and Proportions
2. BrainPop on Ratios, with review quiz
3. Intro to ratios  in bakingvideo
4. Take/review notes below
5. pages 1-7 in workbook
6. Practice on the Unit Vocab Quizlet link