
Sunday, May 31, 2020

6/1 Mon: Review for Stats Test 1

HW: Study for Stats 1 test in Wed (statistical questions, line plots, mean, median or "measure of center", mode, range)

1. review packet solo
2. go over review packet

Friday, May 29, 2020

5/29 Fri: Quiz on Central Tendencies

HW: Finish Quiz if not finished in class. 

1. Kahoot on Mean, Median, Mode (review before quiz)
2. Quiz on Mean, Median, and Mode

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

5/27 Wed: Measures of Center and Variability

HW: Flocabulary Mean, Median, and Mode-due Friday
Study for MMM quiz Friday 

Learning Target: I can find the measures of center for a group of data.

1. Pages 305 to 310 in Orange book - review of measure of center (mean, median,  mode)

Friday, May 22, 2020

5/22 Fri: Measures of Center Day 2

HW: Central Tendencies Quiz Tuesday  
(Monday no class-Take some time to remember ones lost)
Make up missing work-see missing work chart

1. Review HW pages 40 thru 43 in workbook
2. Use a deck of cards and do this activity
3. Practice the following problems on the following pages:  pg 54 #s 7-14

If time or bored this weekend: WATCH Mean, Median, Mode, and Range Song and the
Hey Diddle Diddle-study song

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

5/20 Wed: Measures of Central Tendencies Day 1

HW: Pages 40 thru 43 in workbook-due Friday

Learning Target:
Given a set of data, I can accurately define and find the mean, median, mode, and range.

1. Watch Mathantics Video on Mean, Median, and Mode Take notes on page 51 in workbook.  Fill in the RANGE portion from prior knowledge.
2.  Pages 35 to 39 in workbook together

Monday, May 18, 2020

5/18 Mon: iReady Orange Workbook on Statistical Questions and Line Plots

HW: Flocabulary on Line Plots-due Wednesday 5/20

Learning Target: I can understand how using a line plot interprets data.

1. pages 297 to 302 in iReady Orange Workbook together in class

Friday, May 15, 2020

5/15 Fri: Dot Plot Review

HW: Bring your ORANGE iREADY book to class Monday
-make up any missing work-see missing work charts

1. Review HW pages 132 & 133
2. Check missing work
3. pages 117 and 118 practice
4. Dot plot quiz

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

5/13 Wed: Dot Plots

HW: workbook pages 132 and 133

Learning Target: I can show a group of data in a frequency table and make a dot plot with the data.

1. Review HW from Monday (frequency table of data on one of pages 24 thru 26)
2. Google Slideshow on displaying a data distribution on Google Classroom.  See notes page 112 of workbook.
3. workbook pages 129 to 131 together

Monday, May 11, 2020

5/11 Mon: Frequency Tables and Line Plots

HW: CHOOSE ONE PAGE BETWEEN 24 and 26 in the workbook and make a frequency table and a dot plot or line plot of the data you collected. You will show it on the camera when we are in class and tell us about it on Wednesday. 

Learning Target: I can gather data and create a frequency table of the data.
I can use the frequency table to create a line or dot plot.

1. Frequency Table EdPuzzle-CW grade
2. watch Dot Plots and Frequency Tables video
3. page 117 in workbook

Friday, May 8, 2020

5/8 Fri: Census Facts Exploring

HW: Check Missing Work Chart and Make up anything from the week

Check out the Census USA Map. Pay attention to NY and the states around it. How are they similar? What is a state that has very different data from NY? What data is so different? Explore possibilities for why these differences exist.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

5/7 Thurs: Census-Statistical Question

HW: Legends of Learning on Statistical Questions

Learning Target: I will be able to distinguish between statistical questions and other types of questions.

See the lesson posted on the Google Classroom.
1. Watch the video on What is the Census?
2. Slideshow on what is and is not a statistical question and why (discussion)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

5/6 Wed: IXL Math Stats Practice


IXL Math-Grade 6 HH1 and HH9 for 10 minutes each

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

5/5 Tues: Sampling Methods

HW: Complete the form in GC
Study for Science Test tomorrow!

Learning Target: I can identify the use for two different sampling methods when collecting data.

1. Review pages 28 and 31 HW
2. Watch the Survey and sample and sampling methods videos
3. page 22 and 23 in workbook (hop around with me in class)
4. Complete the 3-2-1 document in the Google Classroom on what you learned from the videos.

Monday, May 4, 2020

5/4 Mon: Intro to Statistics-Asking a Statistical Question

HW: Pages 28 and 31 in the New Unit Workbook
Brainpop statistics-sign into clever to go to brainpop (you are already enrolled in a class. Submit your quiz grade to that sobon class)

Learning Target: I can identify a statistical question.  I can understand the terminology used in the field of basic statistics.

1. Watch the three videos and Complete the worksheet using the information from the three videos. (links also posted on Google Classroom)
Intro to Statistics-Anywhere Math
Stats Intro-Basic Terminology
Statistical Questions

2. Exit Ticket Quiz-classwork grade on GC

Friday, May 1, 2020

5/1 Fri: Project Presentations Finale

HW: Make up any missing work from this week or last. One week late policy applies.

1. Finish the Surface Area and Volume Project Presentations.
2. CHeck out the Missing work chart and be sure all work is turned in for the week. If not, make it up asap.