
Thursday, October 3, 2019

10/3 Thurs: Rounding Decimals

HW:  page 13 and 19 (review of comparing decimals)
Play math games below (20 minutes a day throughout the weekend)

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify the number places in decimal numbers.
I can round decimals to a specific place value.

I can accurately compare two or more decimal values and indicate which one is greater and which one is smaller with a detailed understanding for its explanation.

DIN: Read page 8 in workbook
1. Review HW pages 3 and 4
2. Comparing Decimals-page 5 together as a class-take notes
3.Play the What's My Number? Game (page 7 in workbook) and try to get the largest number.  Get into partners and place a pile of number cards in the center of the table, face down.  Choose a card and place the digit where you think it will make the largest number.  You have to pronounce the number aloud.  Whomever makes the largest number gets a point!

4. Watch BrainPop on Decimals.Complete review quiz after the video.
5.  Read pages 10 and 11 together and then do practice problems on page 12

ADDITIONAL PRACTICE: Play some math games with decimal place value for practice:
Hockey Decimals
Football Math

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