
Monday, June 8, 2020

6/8 Mon-6/10 Wed: Statistics Gizmo

2020 Flipgrid!!- make a video to show next year's students about this school year. It is a unique experience that only your graduating class experienced as 6th graders. Tell the new guys your story! Make a memory!

Work on the Statistics Gizmo in class.
Monday-Activity A
Tuesday-Activity B
Wednesday-Activity C
Turn in the google doc on the google classroom when it is complete.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Sunday, May 31, 2020

6/1 Mon: Review for Stats Test 1

HW: Study for Stats 1 test in Wed (statistical questions, line plots, mean, median or "measure of center", mode, range)

1. review packet solo
2. go over review packet

Friday, May 29, 2020

5/29 Fri: Quiz on Central Tendencies

HW: Finish Quiz if not finished in class. 

1. Kahoot on Mean, Median, Mode (review before quiz)
2. Quiz on Mean, Median, and Mode

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

5/27 Wed: Measures of Center and Variability

HW: Flocabulary Mean, Median, and Mode-due Friday
Study for MMM quiz Friday 

Learning Target: I can find the measures of center for a group of data.

1. Pages 305 to 310 in Orange book - review of measure of center (mean, median,  mode)

Friday, May 22, 2020

5/22 Fri: Measures of Center Day 2

HW: Central Tendencies Quiz Tuesday  
(Monday no class-Take some time to remember ones lost)
Make up missing work-see missing work chart

1. Review HW pages 40 thru 43 in workbook
2. Use a deck of cards and do this activity
3. Practice the following problems on the following pages:  pg 54 #s 7-14

If time or bored this weekend: WATCH Mean, Median, Mode, and Range Song and the
Hey Diddle Diddle-study song

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

5/20 Wed: Measures of Central Tendencies Day 1

HW: Pages 40 thru 43 in workbook-due Friday

Learning Target:
Given a set of data, I can accurately define and find the mean, median, mode, and range.

1. Watch Mathantics Video on Mean, Median, and Mode Take notes on page 51 in workbook.  Fill in the RANGE portion from prior knowledge.
2.  Pages 35 to 39 in workbook together

Monday, May 18, 2020

5/18 Mon: iReady Orange Workbook on Statistical Questions and Line Plots

HW: Flocabulary on Line Plots-due Wednesday 5/20

Learning Target: I can understand how using a line plot interprets data.

1. pages 297 to 302 in iReady Orange Workbook together in class

Friday, May 15, 2020

5/15 Fri: Dot Plot Review

HW: Bring your ORANGE iREADY book to class Monday
-make up any missing work-see missing work charts

1. Review HW pages 132 & 133
2. Check missing work
3. pages 117 and 118 practice
4. Dot plot quiz

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

5/13 Wed: Dot Plots

HW: workbook pages 132 and 133

Learning Target: I can show a group of data in a frequency table and make a dot plot with the data.

1. Review HW from Monday (frequency table of data on one of pages 24 thru 26)
2. Google Slideshow on displaying a data distribution on Google Classroom.  See notes page 112 of workbook.
3. workbook pages 129 to 131 together

Monday, May 11, 2020

5/11 Mon: Frequency Tables and Line Plots

HW: CHOOSE ONE PAGE BETWEEN 24 and 26 in the workbook and make a frequency table and a dot plot or line plot of the data you collected. You will show it on the camera when we are in class and tell us about it on Wednesday. 

Learning Target: I can gather data and create a frequency table of the data.
I can use the frequency table to create a line or dot plot.

1. Frequency Table EdPuzzle-CW grade
2. watch Dot Plots and Frequency Tables video
3. page 117 in workbook

Friday, May 8, 2020

5/8 Fri: Census Facts Exploring

HW: Check Missing Work Chart and Make up anything from the week

Check out the Census USA Map. Pay attention to NY and the states around it. How are they similar? What is a state that has very different data from NY? What data is so different? Explore possibilities for why these differences exist.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

5/7 Thurs: Census-Statistical Question

HW: Legends of Learning on Statistical Questions

Learning Target: I will be able to distinguish between statistical questions and other types of questions.

See the lesson posted on the Google Classroom.
1. Watch the video on What is the Census?
2. Slideshow on what is and is not a statistical question and why (discussion)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

5/6 Wed: IXL Math Stats Practice


IXL Math-Grade 6 HH1 and HH9 for 10 minutes each

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

5/5 Tues: Sampling Methods

HW: Complete the form in GC
Study for Science Test tomorrow!

Learning Target: I can identify the use for two different sampling methods when collecting data.

1. Review pages 28 and 31 HW
2. Watch the Survey and sample and sampling methods videos
3. page 22 and 23 in workbook (hop around with me in class)
4. Complete the 3-2-1 document in the Google Classroom on what you learned from the videos.

Monday, May 4, 2020

5/4 Mon: Intro to Statistics-Asking a Statistical Question

HW: Pages 28 and 31 in the New Unit Workbook
Brainpop statistics-sign into clever to go to brainpop (you are already enrolled in a class. Submit your quiz grade to that sobon class)

Learning Target: I can identify a statistical question.  I can understand the terminology used in the field of basic statistics.

1. Watch the three videos and Complete the worksheet using the information from the three videos. (links also posted on Google Classroom)
Intro to Statistics-Anywhere Math
Stats Intro-Basic Terminology
Statistical Questions

2. Exit Ticket Quiz-classwork grade on GC

Friday, May 1, 2020

5/1 Fri: Project Presentations Finale

HW: Make up any missing work from this week or last. One week late policy applies.

1. Finish the Surface Area and Volume Project Presentations.
2. CHeck out the Missing work chart and be sure all work is turned in for the week. If not, make it up asap.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

4/30 Thurs: 3D Geometry Test

HW: Volume/Surface Area Project Presentation tomorrow (if you have not already presented)

NOTE: WHOLE CLASS MEETINGS TOMORROW (It's Friday!)-AM at 1100 and PM at 1145!
Test on 3D Geometry found in the Math GC-interactive worksheet. You CAN use a calculator.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

4/29 Wed: Surface Area and Volume Project Presentations

HW: Study for Test tomorrow on 3D geometry! Watch the flipgrids I made, practice IXL FF14-19, rewatch videos on blog, practice problems in workbook, review the review packet

Student presentations of Surface Area/Volume Projects. Finish presentations on Friday, if needed. TEST IN CLASS ONLY TOMORROW!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

4/28 Tues: Day 2 Review for 3D Geometry Test

HW: SA/Volume Project Board-due Wednesday (see 4/24 post-week end 4/24)
Begin reviewing the videos and flipgrids from Ms. Sobon to study for the 3D test coming up on Thursday!

Play two Kahoot Games for review

Sunday, April 26, 2020

4/27 Mon: Review Packet for 3D Geometry Test

HW: SA/Volume Project Board-due Wednesday (see 4/24 post-week end 4/24)
Begin reviewing the videos and flipgrids from Ms. Sobon to study for the 3D test coming up on Thursday!

Use a calculator and work on the review packet posted on the Math GC

Friday, April 24, 2020

4/24 Fri: SA & Volume Project and Quiz

HW: SA & Volume Project Board (due Wed 4/29)-see GC for the form and document to fill in

1. Review Volume and SA Word Problems
2. Volume Quiz-IXL  FF14 (quiz grade taken from this)
3. See Volume & SA Project Board-choose one of the projects. See the rubric attached to the assignment on the google classroom to see how it will be graded.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

4/23 Thurs: Surface Area versus Volume Day 1

HW: SA and Volume Worksheet-see GC for interactive worksheet
Study for Volume  Quiz tomorrow! practice FF 14

Learning Target: I can identify when to find volume or surface area of a solid depending on what the problem is to be solved. 

1. Review HW pages 33 and 34
Check out the volume flipgrid video I posted on the classroom!!
2. Exit ticket  review-see individualized feedback on the exit ticket itself (there are audio clips I made and uploaded on each form tailored to what you need to know)
3. Venn Diagram on Surface Area versus Volume
4. Surface Area versus Volume Sorting Activity
5. Word Problems - google slide

4/22 Wed: Intro to Volume

HW: pages 33 and 34 in workbook
Study for SA and Volume Quiz tomorrow!

Learning Target: I can find the volume of solid figures.

1. Review HW page 20 together
2. BrainPop Volume of Prisms page 32 in notebook
3. Practice together pages 30 and 31
4. Volume Exit Ticket

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

4/21 Tues: Surface Area Review

HW:  page 20

Learning Target: I can calculate the surface area of prisms and pyramids. I can identify the uses of surface area in real life applications.

1. DIN: page 19 (1 thru 3)
2. Surface Area of Prisms and Surface Area of a Square Based Pyramid
3. practice pages 43-46 and page 22
4. Real World Uses for Surface Area:
Surface Area and painting
SA of Buildings

Monday, April 20, 2020

4/20 Mon: Legends of Learning Solids, Nets, and Surface Area

HW: Legends of Learning Playlist on solving surface area for 3D solids
complete any missing assignments from last week-SEE MISSING WORK CHART!!

Learning Targets: I am getting more practice with these targets:
I can identify the solid based on the net of that solid.
I can evaluate the surface area of a solid given the dimensions in a net of a solid.

1. Check out the flipgrids on 3D geometry
2. Review SA of pyramids and prisms:
 SA of a Triangular Pyramid
 SA of a Triangular Prism
3. Surface Area and Prisms Flocabulary lesson-be sure it is complete from last week
4. Legends of Learning Play list on 3D geometry-soldis, nets, and surface area

Friday, April 17, 2020

4/17 Fri: Flocabulary Surface Area and Volume

HW: Flocabulary Surface Area and Volume assignment-due tomorrow at midnight

Work on the Flocabuary Assignments from last week and then this week
There is a Flocabulary NEW Lesson on surface area and volume that is listed under this week's topic to do (if you have not done it already)

This Week's Graded Assignments:
1. Surface Area Quiz
2. Surface area and net worksheet
3. Flocabulary on Surface area and volume
4. IXL FF16, FF18, and FF19 (5 correct in a row for each)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

4/16 Thurs: Surface Area Quiz

HW: Check Flocabulary Area and Prisms assignment-due Saturday at midnight

NOTE: TOMORROW AT 1PM THERE WILL BE A CONFERENCE WITH DR. ANDERSON, A GEOLOGIST FROM GERMANY WHO WILL DISCUSS WITH US EARTHQUAKES AND PLATE TECTONICS. This conference is for the whole team at 1:00pm tomorrow. Math lesson class will also occur, but at 11:30 am for everyone! It will be a short check in and simple directions for what to do for science and math classes.

Surface Area quiz on GC

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

4/15 Wed: Practice with Surface Area

HW: Study for the Surface Area Quiz tomorrow!

Learning Target: I can identify and draw nets for solids. I can find the surface area of triangular pyramids, triangular prisms, rectangular prisms, and cubes.

**MATH GRADES ARE UPDATED IN SCHOOL TOOL FOR QUARTER 4** STAY ON TOP OF YOUR GRADES THIS QUARTER!! Assignments are given to do in a 40-60 minute period DAILY. If a day is missed, it can easily be a lot of make up work. Don't do that to yourself! :)

1. Practice with drawing nets and finding surface area
Math Game/Quiz on Nets and their Shapes
Surface Area and Nets-check out the visualizations of the nets (watch them fold!)
2. Surface Area Worksheet-turn in by end of class

4/14 Tues: Nets and Surface Area Intro

HW: IXL FF16, FF18, and FF19-for a HW GRADE
Complete the iReady Lesson!!

Learning Target: I can calculate surface area in rectangular prisms. I can identify the various 2D shapes that combine to make a solid figure using nets.

1. Check HW pages 16 and 17
2. Go over iReady lesson from Friday on complete of nets and surface area lesson
3. Watch  What is a Net? and Nets and 3D Shapes complete 11 thru 13 and 16. See pages 47 and 48 for some examples of nets of a triangular prism and a rectangular prism
3. Surface Area tutorial-practice pages 18 and 19 in workbook together

Monday, April 13, 2020

4/13 Mon: Review of Solids, Nets, and Prisms versus Pyramids

HW: pages 16 and 17

Learning Target: I can understand and identify the differences between a pyramid and a prism.

1. Solid Figure Scavenger Hunt (bring an item in your house to the camera and tell what type of solid it is-be ready to identify the number of vertices, edges, and faces on it)
2. Review nets of solids and surface area of rectangular prisms and cubes with EE3, EE4
3.  Watch What is a Prism? and What is a Pyramid? then fill out the Google Form on the Math classroom identifying the attributes (exploring difference between a prism and a pyramid)
4. complete pages 1 thru 13 together

Friday, April 10, 2020

4/10 Fri: Net and Surface Area iReady Lesson

HW:  Bring a solid figure found in your home to class for Monday for class discussion
Finish iReady Nets and Surface Area lesson-due Monday (if score is low, redo it. If you want to redo it a 3rd time, send me a message)

Learning Target:  I can explain surface area. I can use nets to evaluate the surface area of solid figures.

1. Watch these videos on
Drawing Nets and Finding Surface Area and
Using Nets to Find Surface Area
2. complete the iReady math lesson on "Nets and Surface Area"-due Monday 4/13

Thursday, April 9, 2020

4/9 Thurs: Net Solids

HW: Make up missing assignments from Q3

Learning Target:  I can make nets for solid figures.

See GC for the Edpuzzle on Nets of Solid Figures and answer the questions

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

4/8 Wed: Intro to Solid Figures

HW: Make up missing assignments

Learning Target:  I can identify the three dimensions of a solid figure (it takes up space!). I can identify the number of faces, vertices, and edges in a solid figure.

Watch the Edpuzzle on the Math GC and complete the questions in the video. Submit it and turn in your work for credit.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

4/8 Tues: Review of Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

HW: Make up missing assignments

Learning Targets: I can multiply and divide  fractions, including mixed numbers.

Complete the two worksheets on multiplying and dividing fractions.
Here are some videos to help review in case you forgot:
Math-antics Multiplying Fractions
Multiplying whole numbers by fractions
Multiplying Mixed Numbers
Dividing Mixed
Math-antics video on dividing fractions

Sunday, April 5, 2020

4/7 Mon: Brain Break


-Legends of Learning-both playlists!
-Erosion Symbaloo
2. Spring Pauz activity-DAY1 intro!

Friday, April 3, 2020

4/3 Fri: Focus on Science Review


1. CHeck LEGENDS OF LEARNING and math iready area and perimeter lesson
2. CHECK that you completed your test from yesterday!
3. STUDY FOR SCIENCE TEST-Tues next week

Thursday, April 2, 2020

4/2 Thurs: Test on 2D Geometry

HW: Nothing new
Be sure all your assignments are turned in for the unit (check the Math Google Classroom under topics for end dates 3/20, 3/27 and 4/3)

Math Test-given on the Google Classroom

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

4/1 Wed: Review Day 2 of 2D Geometry

HW: Review the review packet, practice IXL (CC1, CC4, CC8, CC9, CC14, FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4, FF6) as a way to study for the test Tomorrow *remember, get 4 correct in a row and move on**

1. Review Packet-it was handed out that Monday 3/16 in school before you left. If you do not have it, I will post it here(see post on google classroom for the PDF)
2. Math iReady connecting area and perimeter assigned lesson-classwork grade

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

3/31 Tues: Review 2D Geometry Day 1

HW: Study for Test Thursday! Legends of Learning Review Games-due Wednesday

1. Review HW page 60 to 61
2. Legends of Learning 2D Geometry Review Games

Sunday, March 29, 2020

3/30 Mon:Area of a Trapezoid

HW: Page 60 AND 61 AND begin to Study for Test on Thursday 4/2!
LEARNING TARGET: I can find the area of a trapezoid.

1. Review HW pages 55-57-post in GC
2. DIN-area of triangle quiz-see Google Classroom
3.Formula Origin for Area of a Trapezoid
4. Practice with pages 59 thru 61

Thursday, March 26, 2020

3/27 Fri: Triangles-Classifying, Finding Perimeter and Area

HW: 55-57, study for quiz on triangles on Monday!

Learning Target: I can classify triangles according to their angles AND/OR lengths of sides.
                         I can find the area and perimeter of a triangle.

1. Review Coordinate Plane and Area of a Parallelogram Sheet-hw last night
2. Brainpop on triangles.  Workbook page 51
3. Workbook pages 52 to 54.  (classifying triangles and finding the area of a triangle)
4. Area of Triangles page 58
5.  Flocabulary-Area of a Triangle Lesson-complete independently
** QUIZ ON TRIANGLES Tomorrow!!**

3/26 Thurs: Area of Shapes on a Coordinate Plane

HW: Coordinate Plane and Area of a Parallelogram Sheet-open in Kami and write on it or do it in your notebook (draw a coordinate plane)

LEARNING TARGET: I can graph points that make a figure on the coordinate plane and find the perimeter and area of that figure
1. Review Area of a Parallelogram-open in Kami and write on it or copy the problems in your notebook and complete them there.
2. Area of a Parallelogram on the Coordinate Plane
3. Practice on pages 48a and 48b in notebook

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3/25 Wed: Review Quiz and Area of a Parallelogram

HW: Watch the area of parallelogram videos below

Learning Target: I can find the area of a parallelogram.

1. Review Quiz from yesterday
2. Watch videos on Area of a parallelogram (take notes)
Video 1
Additional video on finding the area of a parallelogram, if needed
3. Area of Parallelograms practice page 49

3/24 Tues: Area and Perimeter of Composite Figures

HW: More practice with this sheet-

Learning Target: I can describe how to find the area and perimeter of a composite figure.

1. Review Exit Ticket data
2. IXL practice-I will monitor and when you get 7 correct in a row (classwork grade)
3. Quiz on area and perimeter of polygons on Math Google Classroom

Monday, March 23, 2020

3/23 Mon: Area of Composite Figures

HW:  pages 46 thru 48
QUIZ TOMORROW on Perimeter and Area of Regular Polygons and Composite Figures-watch the FLIPGRID videos I posted for last week's lessons (a gr8 way to review)!

LEARNING TARGET: I can find the area of an irregular shapes made of rectangles, triangles, and squares.
1. Review HW 37-39
2. Watch these videos and take notes on finding the area of composite figures
Decomposing Figures-Subtracting
3. Practice with pages 40 thru 45
4. Exit Ticket

Friday, March 20, 2020

3/20 Fri: Area of Regular Polygons

HW: pages 37 to 39 (see page 24 to relearn, if needed)

1. Review HW-page 12 (fill out the google form on the Math Google Classroom)
2. Watch Area Video-take notes on  page 25.
3. Complete pages 25 to 36 together in class.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

3/19 Thurs: Similar Figures

HW: page 12 and IXL (see #5 below)

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify similar figures.

1. review the HW page 20
2. Exit Ticket Differentiation Activity-
-Parallelogram versus Rhombus
-Be sure to write an equation when finding the length of a missing side given the perimeter
3. video on Similar Figures
4. read and do page 11
5. IXL DD6 and DD7

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

3/18 Wed: Perimeter

HW: Page 20

Learning Target: I can find the perimeter of 2 dimensional shapes.

1. Review HW problems on page 16
2. Watch Perimeter Video-take notes on page 13 at the bottom
3.  Work together on notebook page 18 and 19

Extra Practice: Page 21-do independently, with parent/tutor/classmate, check with me after school or during iLabs

Monday, March 16, 2020

3/17 Tues: Finding Missing Length of Figures

HW: finish problems 4, 6, and 7 on page 16 AND watch the video

LEARNING TARGETS: I can find the length of a side that is missing in a 2 dimensional figure.

1. Find the missing length-page 16 in notebook
2. watch the video on finding missing length

Friday, March 13, 2020

3/13 Fri: Polygons and Quadrilaterals

HW: study Quizlet on 2D Unit Vocab-quiz Monday

I can define terms related to polygons and two-dimensional geometry.
I can name common quadrilaterals such as square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, rhombus, and trapezoid based on characteristics.
I can find the missing angle in a quadrilateral.

1. Review pages 4 and 5 HW
2. Watch the three  Edpuzzles on Polygons and Quadrilaterals on the Math Google Classroom -complete the questions in the videos independently. Take notes on page 14 for the Quadrilateral video (review as a class).
3. pages 8 and 9 in workbook

Thursday, March 12, 2020

3/12 Thurs: Intro to Polygons

HW: pages 4 and 5 in workbook

LEARNING TARGET: I can demonstrate the difference between a regular polygon, a quadrilateral, and an irregular polygon.
I can identify the different types of quadrilaterals and polygons

  • Review Points, Lines, and Planespoints, line segments, line, ray, plane (be sure to know how to write these as well)
  • review pages 1 thru 3,  6 and 7 for examples and non-examples 
  • 3 properties of polygons (1. 3 parts-sides, vertices, angles; 2. closed shape; 3. 2D-flat)
  • BrainPop on Polygons-answer review quiz questions by voting as a class

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

3/10 Tues: Inequalities Test

HW: See Science HW on Science Blog

Inequalities Test administered.

Monday, March 9, 2020

3/9 Mon: Review of Inequalities Day 2

HW: Inequality Test Tomorrow-STUDY!

1. Complete review packet-go over together as a class
2. play kahoots

Friday, March 6, 2020

3/6 Fri: Review of Inequalties


1. Review :Packet 22" HW sheet
2. Exit Ticket Differentiation on solving 2  step inequalities
Check group-help a person or two THEN practice IXL AA1 thru AA4 (5 correct in a row and move on to the next one)
Sobon's group-review activity
3. Quiz on solving 1 and 2 step inequalities
4. Review packet-begin to work on it

Thursday, March 5, 2020

3/5 Thurs: Solving 2 Step Inequalities with Word Problems

HW: "Packet 22 Inequality Word Problem" Worksheet
Quiz tomorrow on solving 1 and 2 step inequalities
TEST TUESDAY-start reviewing notes (10 minutes a day is plenty!)

1. Review HW (back of notesheet-4 problems)
2. "Exit Ticket 50" Worksheet together-classwork grade
3. pages 39 and 40 in workbook
4. Exit Ticket

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

3/4 Wed: Solving 2 step inequalities

HW: Practice problems on back of note sheet (4 problems)

1. Review HW page 36
2. Quiz on 1 step Inequalities
3. Read Notesheet on solving Muti-step inequalities and model sheet

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

3/3 Tues: Solving 1 step inequalities Day 2

HW: page 36 in workbook, QUIZ WEDNESDAY

1. DIN-notes from yesterday-complete the questions not done in class AND
Review HW (collect puzzle sheet)
2. Golden Rule Notes (Review of Mult and Dividing by a neg number)
3. Multiplying and Dividing by Negative Number-video review
4. Whiteboard Activity

Monday, March 2, 2020

3/2 Mon: Solving One Step Inequalities

HW:Puzzle Worksheet, Quiz Tomorrow

DIN: Writing Inequalities Sheet & Review HW sheet (translating phrases worksheet)
POP QUIZ!! (translating inequalities and graphing them)
1. Watch  Solving One Step Inequalities Review
2. Notes on solving 1 step inequalities (including negative integers when multiplying and dividing)
3. IXL AA 4 and AA5 (get at least an 80 on each)

Additional Notes to help review for quiz: Solving Inequality Notes

Friday, February 28, 2020

2/28 Fri:Practice with Matching Inequality verbal phrases, graphs and expressions

HW: Translating Phrases Worksheet II, QUIZ Tuesday!

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify matching inequality graphs, matching expressions, and word phrases to graphs and inequality expressions.

1. DIN: Complete the Review Activity on the inside cover of your workbook
2. Exit Ticket Differentiation Stations Activity
Stations-matching games and exit ticket review

Review translating phrases into inequalities to help review

Thursday, February 27, 2020

2/27 Thurs: Graphing Inequalities

HW: page 28

LEARNING TARGET: I can graph inequalities. I can write an inequality given a graph.

DIN: GRaphing Inequalities Sheet
1. Correct HW worksheet on translating phrases
2. Pages 20 thru 28 in class.  Review together as a class.
3. Exit Ticket

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

2/26 Wed: Translating Phrases into Inequalities Day 2

HW: Translating Verbal Statements to Inequalities worksheet

Learning Target: I can translate words and phrases into inequality mathematical statements. I can graph a one step inequality.  I can read a graph and write an inequality.

DIN: Write the Inequality from a graph
1. Review HW pages 5 and 19
2. Practice: match an inequality with verbal phrase
3. Matching Partner Activity

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2/25 Tues: Translating Inequality Phrases

HW: Pages 5 and 19

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify an inequality based on a phrase. I can write a phrase that corresponds with an inequality.

1. Read through pages 1-3, 7 and 8
2. Do notes pages 9-11
3. Legends of Learning games with assessments (code is SOBONS1)

Monday, February 24, 2020

2/24 Mon: Intro to Inequalities

HW:Brainpop Quiz questions (rewatch video if need to)-due tomorrow

1. PPT on Inequalities-see handout
2. Watch the BrainPop on Inequalities

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

2/12 Wed: Math Test and Science Project Presentation

HW: Complete the Weather/Climate Project (if not completed)

1. Math Test
2. Start presentations of projects

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

2/11 Tues: Expression and Equation Review


1. Go over the review packet HW
2. around the room activity

Monday, February 10, 2020

2/10 Mon: Expressions and Equations Review Day 1

HW: Finish review packet for test-it will help you to Study for the test scheduled for Wednesday

1. Review HW page 71
2. Work on review packet for test

Thursday, February 6, 2020

2/6 Thurs: Function Tables and Graphing the Rate of Change

HW: page 71  

LEARNING TARGET: I can graph a linear equation on a coordinate plane and identify the "rate of change" or "constant of proportionality".

1. Review Exit Ticket Data from yesterday
2. Quiz on 2 step equations and word problems
2. Notes on Function Tables pages 69 and 70
3. practice pages 72 thru 74 as notes on function tables

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

2/5 Wed: Problem Solving with Equations

HW: Study for Quiz on 1 and 2 step equation solving tomorrow, including word problems
HW: IXL  Z9 thru Z11 (5 correct in a row)
Begin studying for test scheduled for Tuesday next week!  AS TEST IS ON A TUESDAY NEXT WEEK, IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW THAT you have to find time during your ilabs the next 5 days if you want to review anything outside of class. 

LEARNING TARGET: I can solve real world problems using two-step equations.

1. Exit ticket from yesterday
2. Review page 51 HW and practice problems from guided notes hw
3. work on page 68 in workbook

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

2/4 Tues: 1 and 2 step equation solving review

HW: page 51 and practice problems on guided note sheet

1. review page 67 HW from Friday
2. Exit Ticket Differentiation
3. Guided Notes on 1 and 2 step equations with practice problems
4. Exit Ticket

Monday, February 3, 2020

2/3 Mon: Climate Reading and Operations with Integer Practice

HW:IXL N2, N4, N8, and N10-5 correct in a row  each

1. Complete Carbon Cycle notes
2. Science A to Z booklet on Climate-read pages 15 thru 24 and complete the close reading worksheet as you read.  Get another sheet when you need one.
3. Kids Discover Magazine assignment-share magazines
4. IXL N2, N4, N8, and N10-5 correct in a row

Friday, January 31, 2020

1/31 Fri: Practice with Solving 2 step equations

HW: Page 67

1. Review HW pages 65 and 66
DIN: green expression matching puzzle
2. Pass the Problem Activity
3. Exit Ticket

Thursday, January 30, 2020

1/30 Thurs: Two Step Equation Solving Day 1

HW:  read page 63 then solve problems (including checks) pages 65 and 66

LEARNING TARGET: I can use solve two step equations.

1. Watch Two-step equations and Brainpop on Two Step Equations-page 37 in workbook while watching the video
2.Notes pages 46 thru 50 (47 is blank)
3. Practice page 51

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

1/29 Wed: 1 Step Equations with Fraction, Mixed Numbers, and Decimals

HW: IXL Z 7 for 15 minutes only

Learning Target: I can solve one step equations with fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers.

1. Review Line Puzzle Sheet HW
2. Practice IXL  Z6 for 5 minutes
3. QUIZ on CLT and 1 step equations with whole numbers
Solving 1 Step Equations with Fractions and Decimals
5. Solving 1 Step with Mixed Numbers
6. Begin IXL  Z7 for practice

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

1/28 Tues: Practice with CLT and Solving 1 Step Equation

HW:  Line pUzzle Sheet-finish  (use this link to help with operations with integers)
STUDY QUIZ TOMORROW ON CLT and Solving One Step Equations

1. Review HW pages 57 and 58
2. Finish Monster Activity
3. Expression Matching Game
4. Begin Line Puzzle Sheet

Monday, January 27, 2020

1/27 Mon: 1 step equations with multiplication and division

HW: pages 57 and 58

LEARNING TARGET: I can solve one step equations with multiplication and division, including terms with positive and negative integers.

1. Review HW 41 and 42
2. Watch Multiplying Integers PBS math club video
 and Dividing Integers PBS math club
4. Notes on page 44
5. Practice pages 45

Friday, January 24, 2020

1/24 Fri: Stations Practice of this units skills this far-distribution property, equivalent expressions, solving one step equations, number properties

HW: Climate Zone Readworks (paper copy) article-due Monday

1. Review page 41 HW
-Climate Zone Packet with Geography
-Expressions Matching Worksheet
-Short Answer Expressions with Distributive Property
-1 step equation Monster Activity
-Gold Property Matching sheet

Thursday, January 23, 2020

1/23 Thrus: CLT and One Step Equations with Addition and Subtraction

HW: pages 41 

LEARNING TARGET:  I can solve one step equations that include addition or subtraction.
I can identify the inverse operation of addition and subtraction.

DIN: Combining Like Terms Quiz
1. Review HW page 7 in workbook
2.CLT video
3. Read pages 38 and 39 in workbook
4. Practice page 40 together

Additional materials: Watch the Variable BrainPop .  Be sure to know the difference between a constant and a variable

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

1/22 Wed: Combining Like Terms

HW: page 7 in workbook
Practice IXL Y1 THRU Y13 (5 correct in a row, then move on)

Learning Target: I can recognize like terms and combine them correctly. I can find equivalent expressions using the ability to combine like terms and the distributive property.

1. Review HW page 34
2. Exit Ticket Differentiation Activity
3. Quiz on Writing and Evaluating Expressions
4. Do page 5 and practice page 6 in workbook together
5. Expression Matching independent Activity

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

1/21 Tues: Evaluating Expressions

HW: page 34

Learning Target: I can write an algebraic expression given a real life situation. I can evaluate an expression given a value for the sole variable in the expression.

DIN-review vocab Click here for a quizlet flashcard set
1. Correct HW page 23
2. Exit Ticket #1-done together in partners. Switch to correct one another's; then, we correct it together as a class.
3.  Why is X the unknown?-just a cool video that talks about the origin of using "x" as a common variable in algebra
4. pages 18 thru 33 in workbook
4. Exit Ticket #2-done independently

Friday, January 17, 2020

1/17 Fri: Evaluating Expressions

HW: page 23

DIN page 4 in workbook
1. Review HW page 14
2. Practice factoring polynomials (NEW VOCAB WORD) with distributive property-page 12
3. Write and Evaluate Expressions-page 21 some
4. Exit Ticket out the door!!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

1/16 Thurs: Exponents and Properties in Expressions

HW: Page 14

Learning Target: I can rewrite expression using the distributive property.
I can identify the type of property illustrated in an expression.

DIN: Play this Property Matching Game
1. Review HW page 18
2. Do page 15 together-exponents review
3. Read page 9 and do page 10 together
4. Distributive Property and Factoring-page 11 and 13

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

1/15 Wed: Translating Expressions

HW:page 18

LEARNING TARGET: I can recognize key vocabulary terms and define them in expressions and equations such as constant, term, variable, expression, and equation.
I can translate phrases into algebraic expressions and vice versa.
I can evaluate (or solve) expressions given a value for a variable (or an unknown).

1.  Read pages 1 thru 3 in new  workbook
2. Translating Expressions-pages 16 and 17

Monday, January 13, 2020

1/13 Mon: Intro to Expressions and Equations

HW: REwatch the video linked below

1. PreAssessment on Expressions and Equations
2.Review Ratio and Proportion Test-ask questions
3.  Complete the graphic organizer for this video and know the terms

Friday, January 10, 2020

1/10 Fri: Ratio and Proportion Test

HW: Complete any readworks articles on the weather-due Monday

1. Dry Erase Activity
2. Test administered

Thursday, January 9, 2020

1/9 Thurs: Final Ratio and Proportion Review


1. Dry Erase Activity
2. Finish Blue Review Packet
3. Play Kahoot-need scrap paper

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

1/8 Wed: Ratio and Proportions Day 2


1. review the HW from Monday
2. Review the Word Problems from yesterday
3. Complete the Study Card in pairs
4. Begin working on Study Guide

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

1/7 Tues: Ratio and Proportion Review Activities

HW:  IXL  T8, S6, S9, S10, and R18 (do 5 correct in a row and move on)

**We will review the HW assigned last night tomorrow in class**
1. Holiday Ratio problem solving-show your work on the green sheet. Use your phone and download a QR code app to figure check your answers.
2. Holiday ratio word problems-use the CUBE strategy to identify the important information and solve.

Monday, January 6, 2020

1/6 Mon: Unit Rate and Better Buy Review

HW: pages 60 (#1 only), 61 (#3 and 4a and 4b), and 62 (#1,2, and 6)
Finish Unit Rate Project, if not done in class

1. Exit Ticket on Unit Price Differentiation/reteach Activity (10 minutes)
2.  Better Buy Exit Ticket Review
3. Unit Rate Grocery Store Project