
Thursday, March 12, 2020

3/12 Thurs: Intro to Polygons

HW: pages 4 and 5 in workbook

LEARNING TARGET: I can demonstrate the difference between a regular polygon, a quadrilateral, and an irregular polygon.
I can identify the different types of quadrilaterals and polygons

  • Review Points, Lines, and Planespoints, line segments, line, ray, plane (be sure to know how to write these as well)
  • review pages 1 thru 3,  6 and 7 for examples and non-examples 
  • 3 properties of polygons (1. 3 parts-sides, vertices, angles; 2. closed shape; 3. 2D-flat)
  • BrainPop on Polygons-answer review quiz questions by voting as a class

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