
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

9/10 Tues: Multiplication Fact Review and Focus Stations

HW: IXL E 16-4th grade (review)

1.Set up progress folders
2.  Multiplication Fact Drill (review from Fridays data) and new drill for today-how many can you get correct in a minute?!
3. Stations-
Station 1-play war with blue fact cards.  Whomever has the biggest product wins the hand!  The goal is the whomever has the largest pile of cards when the time is up wins!
Station 2-Triangle cards and fact cards drill/review in partners or groups of 3
Station 3-Math 24 Game.  Use each number once only and you can use any combination of operations to get to 24!!
Station 4-Dice Roll Drill-roll the dice and whomever says the correct product first gets the point (take a tally on your science station loose leaf paper)

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