
Thursday, October 31, 2019

10/31 Thurs: Properties Day 1

HW:  page 90

1. Identity Property of Addition and Multiplication
2. Distributive Property Video
3.  Manipulative Demo with legos!
4. Read pages 87 and 88
5. practice problems page 89
6. Math Properties Kahoot!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

10/30 Wed: PEMDAS Day 3

HW: Finish the Leaf Worksheet

1. Stations:
-Leaf worksheet
-exponent worksheet
-PEMDAS card activity (do 5 problems)
-Exit Ticket review with Ms. Sobon
2. PEMDAS and Exponent Quiz
3. Video Quest-watch two or three of these links/story of your choice (10 minutes)-complete the graphic organizer
PEMDAS Shuffle
Flocabulary-Order of Operations
Mr. C's PEMDAS Song
Check out the Story of the Order of Operations on Google Classroom

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

10/29 Tues: PEMDAS Day 2

HW: Study for Quiz tomorrow on Exponents and Order of Operations

*Review pages 81 and 82 HW*
2.  Google Slides on Order of Operations on Google Classroom (use whiteboards)
3. PEMDAS Card Carousel Group Activity
4.  Exit Ticket-review in class together

Sunday, October 27, 2019

10/28 Mon: Order of Operations Intro

HW: pages 81 and 82

Learning Target: I can evaluate an expression according to the order of operations.

1. Intro to Mathantics-Order of Operations
2. Order of Operations BrainPop
3. Notes on pages 79 and 80

Friday, October 25, 2019

10/25 Fri: Exponents Day 2

HW:  Practice IXL D4, D5 and D6 (get 5 correct in a row and move on)

Learning Target: I can evaluate exponents with decimals and fractional bases.
                           I can identify the base and the exponent given a product.
1. Review page 72 hw
2.Talk about fractional bases, negative exponents, decimal bases, and negative bases-4 square notes!! Direct instruction lesson
3. Practice IXL D4, D5, and D6

Supplemental Game :Play Exponents Game

Thursday, October 24, 2019

10/24 Thurs: Exponents Day 1

HW:Workbook page 72-due tomorrow

Learning Target: I can evaluate exponents.

1. Review HW page 16
2. Watch the Exponent BrainPop and take the review quiz as a class
Read the rules for exponents and be sure to know them:
Any number (except 0) raised to the zero power is equal to 1.1490 = 1
Any number raised to the first power is always equal to itself.81 = 8
If a number is raised to the second power, we say it is squared.32 is read as three squared
If a number is raised to the third power, we say it is cubed.43 is read as four cubed
3. Read the story, One Grain of Rice.  Discuss how the story illustrates exponents.
4. Do some practice problems in workbook page 73 and 71

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

10/23 Wed: Conversions with Decimals and Fractions

HW: page 16 Exercise 6 only

Learning Target: I can convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.

1. Watch the Decimals to Fractions video and Fractions to Decimals video-take notes in book on back of page 13
2. Read page 14
3. Practice problems on page 15 in small groups

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10/22 Tues: Decimal Operation Quiz and Word Problems Practice

HW:  page 37

1. Quiz on Operations for Decimals
2. Word Problems-read page 36
3. Work on slideshow  of word problems (pages 40 thru 46 in wkbk)

Monday, October 21, 2019

10/21 Mon: Review of Decimal Operations

HW: Study for Decimal Operation Quiz tomorrow (you can practice on IXL any Gs and Hs under 6th grade)

1. Dividing Decimals and Operations review-yellow sheets
2. Exit Ticket Review
3. Play Pilgrim Board Game in groups of -multiplying and Dividing Decimals

Friday, October 18, 2019

10/18 Fri: Division of Decimals Day 2

HW:  Practice IXL H4, H5, and H7-8 minutes each
         Study for Decimal Operation Quiz MONDAY!!

Learning Target: I can divide decimal numbers accurately.
I can choose which operation I need to solve real life problems with decimal numbers.

1. Review HW page 34
2. Read page 33 in workbook together, and watch Division of Decimal video
3. Work on worksheet on dividing decimals (and review) in small groups in class
4. Exit Ticket on Multiplication and Division of Decimals

Thursday, October 17, 2019

10/17 Thurs: Dividing Multi-Digit Numbers with Decimals

HW: pages 34 all

Learning Target: I can divide decimal numbers by a decimal and whole numbers by a decimal accurately.

DIN: page 28 (#1-4)-go over as a class
If you need to review basic division principles please review these videos Division BrainPopLong Division and Long Division with Two Divisors
1. go over homework page 27 and Exit Tickets from yesterday (if it says, SEE ME on it, make arrangements to meet with me during iLabs today or tomorrow!!)
2. Watch Dividing Decimals
3. Review the Dividing Decimals PowerPoint-with notes
4. practice problems page 31 and 32

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

10/16 Wed: Multiplying Decimals

HW: Page 27 in wkbk
        practice IXL O.1 and O.2 under 6th grade math

Learning Target: I can multiply decimal numbers by a whole number and a decimal number accurately. 

NOTE: LOOONNGG POST!! Read all the way to the bottom!
DIN: Adding and Subtracting Decimals Exit Ticket
1. Review HW page 25 in wkbk
2. Read page 26
3. Practice decimal point placements page 30
4. Do a couple problems on page 27.
5. Extra Practice: Complete Placing Decimals Practice Problems slideshow-with white boards

If needed, Review of Multi-Digit Multiplication Process
Multiplication by One Digit Multiplier
Multiplication by a Two-Digit Multiplier
**Discuss how multiplying decimals is the same but with decimals places to count up and add at the end**
Please know these words for the unit.

Friday, October 11, 2019

10/15 Tues: Practice with Adding and Subtracting Decimals

HW: page 25 in workbook

1. Review Page 24 homework
2. Orange book-pages 89 thru 96. You can work with a partner.  Review answers together.

10/11 Fri: Quiz and Start Addition and Subtraction of Decimals

HW:page 24 (all)-due Monday
Practice IXL ALL the Fs (6th grade)-no more than 10 minutes on each) over the weekend :)

Learning Target: I can add and subtract decimal numbers accurately.

1. Quiz on Decimal Place Value
2. Read page 21 together, practice problems on page 22 together
3. Watch  Line 'Em Up Adding and Subtracting Decimal Song
4. Do page 23 and correct it after

Thursday, October 10, 2019

10/10 Thurs: Stations for Decimal Value Practice

HW: QUIZ TOMORROW ON comparing and ordering decimals and place value

1. DIN: Complete 18 using the TABLE METHOD
There are 4 games to play that involve decimals. We will rotate every 10 minutes:
  • comparing decimal task cards (complete answer key)
  • Burglary Pizazz Worksheet
  • 3-1 Decimal Worksheet
  • Decimal War

Supplemental Activities:
Play the two games independently after school, at home-
Placing Decimals in Order-Balloon Game
Comparing Decimals Quiz Game

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

10/9 Wed: Intro to Mrs. Trew FACS Teacher


1. Introduction to Mrs. Trew, the FACS teacher
2. Learn about cooking groups and procedures in the FACS room
**Shortened classes due to a shortened day**
We are cooking in FACS next week!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

10/8 Tues: Comparing and Ordering Decimals

HW: Study for Quiz FRIDAY on place value, rounding, and comparing decimal numbers
        (play the games that are on the blog posts)

Learning Target:  I can identify which decimal number is larger or smaller.
                             I can arrange decimal numbers in order of greatest to least (descending) and least to greatest (ascending) order.

DIN: Correct HW page 17
 1.Watch Comparing Decimals Scholastic AND Ordering Decimals Song
2. Do the Around the Room Activity

Monday, October 7, 2019

10/7 Mon: Rounding Decimals

HW: page 17
 IXL F6 and F7-grade taken for HW grade 
Play the Place Value Quizlet  
Practice  the Place Value games for practice ScooterQuest Hockey Decimals,  and  Football Math
Decimal and Place Value Quiz Friday!

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify the number places in decimal numbers.
I can round decimals to a specific place value.

DIN: Page 18 in workbook
1. Review HW pages 13 and 19
2. Watch the Mathantics Video on Rounding
     Take notes as the video goes.
3. Do pages 6 together (using the T chart method)
4. White Board practice with rounding decimals (based on Decimal Brainpop data)

Friday, October 4, 2019

10/4 Fri: iReady Math Diagnostic


iReady Math Diagnostic

Thursday, October 3, 2019

10/3 Thurs: Rounding Decimals

HW:  page 13 and 19 (review of comparing decimals)
Play math games below (20 minutes a day throughout the weekend)

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify the number places in decimal numbers.
I can round decimals to a specific place value.

I can accurately compare two or more decimal values and indicate which one is greater and which one is smaller with a detailed understanding for its explanation.

DIN: Read page 8 in workbook
1. Review HW pages 3 and 4
2. Comparing Decimals-page 5 together as a class-take notes
3.Play the What's My Number? Game (page 7 in workbook) and try to get the largest number.  Get into partners and place a pile of number cards in the center of the table, face down.  Choose a card and place the digit where you think it will make the largest number.  You have to pronounce the number aloud.  Whomever makes the largest number gets a point!

4. Watch BrainPop on Decimals.Complete review quiz after the video.
5.  Read pages 10 and 11 together and then do practice problems on page 12

ADDITIONAL PRACTICE: Play some math games with decimal place value for practice:
Hockey Decimals
Football Math

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

10/2 Tues: Place Value with Decimals

Image result for place value chart

pages 3 and 4 in new workbook
1. Review Integer Test
2. Watch Place Value video.  Be able to do the following and write how you would teach a student these things in your notebook:
  • identify the vocab that you think students should know from the video.  Define them.
  • Explain how number place affects a digit's value
  • explain how groups are used in our number system
  • explain expanded form of number
3. Read pages 2, 3, and 5 in new workbook4. Watch the Mathantics Decimal Place Value video
Take 4 square notes:
  • vocabulary
  • what does direction matter for place value?
  • how does the decimal point impact the value of a digit?
  • important images
ADDITIONAL PRACTICE LINK: practice with the problems on this this link.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019