
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

10/16 Wed: Multiplying Decimals

HW: Page 27 in wkbk
        practice IXL O.1 and O.2 under 6th grade math

Learning Target: I can multiply decimal numbers by a whole number and a decimal number accurately. 

NOTE: LOOONNGG POST!! Read all the way to the bottom!
DIN: Adding and Subtracting Decimals Exit Ticket
1. Review HW page 25 in wkbk
2. Read page 26
3. Practice decimal point placements page 30
4. Do a couple problems on page 27.
5. Extra Practice: Complete Placing Decimals Practice Problems slideshow-with white boards

If needed, Review of Multi-Digit Multiplication Process
Multiplication by One Digit Multiplier
Multiplication by a Two-Digit Multiplier
**Discuss how multiplying decimals is the same but with decimals places to count up and add at the end**
Please know these words for the unit.

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