
Friday, December 20, 2019

12/20 Fri: Review Better Buy-Practice with comparing ratios

Image result for winter holidays multicultural

HW: NONE!!  Enjoy the Holiday Break!!  

1. AM Class-work on narrative for Mr. Moore's class. If done, play ratio games!
2. PM Class-Better Buy activity from yesterday (Around the Room Activity-classwork grade)
Snowflakes Craft Activity!!!!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

12/19 Thurs: Better Buy Practice

HW: make up any missing assignments you owe-redo quizzes with low grades

Learning Target: I can choose a product based on the best price (better buy).

1. Review HW page 20 and 21
2. Watch the Comparing Prices BrainPop
3. Around the Room Activity with Better Buy situations
4. Exit Ticket

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

12/18 Wed: Unit Rate Day 2 with Better Buy Intro

HW: page 20 and 21 in workbook

Learning Target: I can find a better buy of products using unit rate.

1. Review HW 18 and 19
Unit Rate practice:
2. Basketball Insanity page 37 and 38 in workbook
3. Jump Roper page 39 and 40 in workbook
Focus Question: How many jumps were made in 1 second?
4. Better Buy Intro: Ms Sobon's Video on Better Buy at the Supermarket
5.  pages 13 thru 17 in workbook with flipchart

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

12/17 Tues: Unit Rate Intro

HW: pages 18 (#7,8, and 9) and page 19-ODDS ONLY in workbook

Learning Target: I can find the unit rate or unit cost.

1. Percent Proportion Quiz
2. Ratio/Proportion Foldable-large group
3. Unit Rate Video INtro
4. Practice page-page 17

Monday, December 16, 2019

12/16 Mon: Percent Proportions Day 2

HW: IXL S5 thru S10 -5 correct in a row and move on
Study for Quiz tomorrow on percent proportions, scales, etc

1. Watch the Ed Puzzle (see Math Google Classroom) and answer the questions as you go
2. AM Group-Exit Ticket Differentiation-
PM Group-take the exit ticket
2. Review HW pages 75 and 76
3. Practice -Legends of Learning Playlists (AM)
PM-Exit ticket differentiation (reteach)

Friday, December 13, 2019

12/13 Fri: Scale and Percent Proportions

HW: pages 75 and 76 in workbook-EVENS ONLY (only 5 problems)
Quiz Tuesday 12/17 on solving proportions, conversions, and percent proportions

LEARNING TARGET: I can find the part of a whole.
I can find the whole given a part.
I can find the percent given a part.

DIN: Page 87 in workbook
1. Review HW page 94
2.Scale Map Activity Packet with video
3. Pages 70-74 in workbook
4. Exit Ticket on Percent Proportions
Supplemental videos: Virtual Nerd-part over whole and Mathantics

Thursday, December 12, 2019

12/12 Thurs: Conversions Practice

HW: Page 94

Learning Target: I can convert measurements using proportions.

1. Review HW page 66
2. AM Class-Exit Ticket Differentiation
Got It Group (check)-IXL R14 and R15 (5 correct IN A ROW and move on)
#2 Group-work with Ms Sobon
 PM Class-Gallon Man, practice from yesterday, and exit ticket, exit ticket differentiation
3. Practice Conversion with Map Scales and Word Problems group work
4. If time, IXL R13 thru R18

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

12/11 Wed: Conversions with Proportions

HW: page 66 

LEARNING TARGET:  I can convert measurements using proportions.

BEFORE CLASS STARTS, YOU WILL NEED: Marker, piece of construction paper from the kidney table, workbook, pencil, calculator, a packet of conversion proportions and a DIN Sheet

DIN: page 50 evens only
1. Review HW page 49
2.  Intro to Converting Standard Lengths ppt-use packet with this (SEE NOTES ON CLASS DOJO FOR THIS)
3. practice page 65
4. Gallon Man-Capacity Make a Gallon Man on a piece of construction paper for your notes.
5. Exit Ticket on conversions

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

12/10 Tues: Solving Proportions

HW: page 49

Learning Target: I can solve a proportion.

1. Review HW 81&82
3. pages 47 to 48

Spirit Week 12/16-12/20
The following themes have been selected and approved: 
M (16th): Holiday color day
T (17th): Grinch Day
W (18th): Festive Sweater Day 
Th (19th): Elf Day
F (20th): Hat day (food and monetary donations will be collected in the lobby)


Monday, December 9, 2019

12/9 Mon: Graphing Equivalent Ratios

HW:  pages 81 and 82 in workbook

Learning Target:I can create a graph of equivalent ratios. I can use the graph to determine whether or not a ratio is equivalent.
 I can identify equivalent ratios, make a ratio table, and graph the points on a coordinate plane.

1. Pass out and review graded quizzes (set up time after school for redos)
2. Graphing Equivalent Ratios
3. Do page 79-80
4. Independent Practice page 85 and 87

Friday, December 6, 2019

12/6 Fri: Showing Equivalent Fractions in 4 Ways

HW: IXL R1 thru R6 and R10 and R11 (5 correct in a row and move on)

Learning Target:  I can display equivalent ratios in 4 different ways.  I can choose the most appropriate way to find equivalent ratios based on preference and the problem presented.

1. Review HW pages 53 and 54
2. Exit Ticket Differentiation
Value of a Ratio-page 51 practice
Check-work with another group. Then, IXL R1 thru R6 (5 correct in a row)
All-reteach with Ms Sobon
Other Group-work with the Check group and then practice IXL
3. Quiz
4. Practice pages 62 (#1,2, and 6), page 60 (#1 a,b, and c) and page 61 (#3 and 4)

Thursday, December 5, 2019

12/5 Thurs: Equivalent Ratio Tables and Double Number Line

HW: pages 53 and 54 in workbook
Review of ratios and ratio tables

I can identify equivalent ratios using tape diagrams and ratio tables.
I can identify ratios using a double number line.
I can find a missing value in a ratio.

DIN: page 12 and 29 in workbook
1. Review pages 26 and 28 HW-review equivalent fractions for equivalent ratios here
2. How to do Ratio Tables; then, pages 25 ans 52 in wkbk
3.  watch LearnZillion Double Number Lines with Ratios and work on Page 24-Double Bar Graphs
4. Practice-page 51
5 Exit ticket

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

12/4 Wed: Tape Diagrams with Equivalent Ratios including Reducing

HW: Pages 26-28 in Workbook 

I can identify equal ratios.
I can represent ratios using tape diagrams.

1. Review HW pages 8 and 9
2. reducing ratio review (like reducing fractions) Click here for summary and tutorial in reducing ratios
3. Equal Ratios video link
4. Tape Diagram Workbook notes together page 22 & 23
5. Practice a couple problems on page 11

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

12/2 Mon: Ratio Intro- Ratio Wording and Writing

HW: pages 8 and 9 in workbook
STUDY the Unit Vocab Quizlet link 

Learning Target:  I can identify a ratio in real world situations.
I can write a ratio part to whole, whole to part, and part to part.

1. Pretest Ratios and Proportions
2. BrainPop on Ratios, with review quiz
3. Intro to ratios  in bakingvideo
4. Take/review notes below
5. pages 1-7 in workbook
6. Practice on the Unit Vocab Quizlet link 

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

11/26 Tues: Fraction Test

HW: Make up the missing items you may have!

1. Bell Ringer
2. Test
3. Making Fraction Trail Mix
4. Decimal Thanksgiving Board Game

Monday, November 25, 2019

11/25 Mon: Review for Fraction Test

HW: STUDY FOR TEST TOMORROW-bring home review packet!

1. Review the Review Packet in partners-use the
-those who didn't finish it should work with me in a group
2. Additional Review Questions-do together on your own paper
3. Five Review stations-complete the guided sheet for each):
  • multiplying fractions card activity-choose any SIX questions 
  • dividing fractions card activity-choose any SIX questions
  • fraction study card
  • What is wrong with this? Activity
  • Convert and Compare Activity

Friday, November 22, 2019

11/22 Fri: Word Problems with Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

HW: page 64
Review packet for test Tuesday-STUDY!!

Learning Target: I can understand when to multiply and divide fractions given a real life application. I can accurately find the product or quotient.

1. Review HW page 57
2. Read and work on pages 62 and 63
3. Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Foldable notes
4. Practice 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

11/21 Thurs: Dividing Mixed Numbers

HW: page 57

Learning Target: I can convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and divide accurately, giving the simplest form of the answer in lowest terms.

1. Review HW page 58
2. Exit Ticket Differentiation Activity
-checks-IXL L4 and L5
-#1 and #2-this group helps each other out and explains what the other did wrong to solve the problem correctly
-ALL-reteach with Ms. Sobon
3. Videos: Dividing Fractions Review Rap and Dividing Mixed Numbers Video on Edpuzzle together
4. review page 59 in workbook
5. Practice on page 60

11/20 Wed: Dividing Fractions Intro

HW:  page 58

Learning Target:  I can identify a reciprocal of fractions.
I can divide fractions accurately.

1. Multiplying Fractions Quiz
2. watch Dividing Fraction Intro and Dividing Fractions Using a Model
3. Practice Reciprocal of fractions-page 54
4. Watch the Edpuzzles-Dividing Fractions and Dividing Fractions 2 and answer the questions as a class (voting style)
5. Practice pages 55-take notes
6 .Exit ticket on dividing fractions with reflection

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

11/19 Tues: Multiplying Fractions Reteach

HW: STUDY FOR QUIZ Tomorrow on Multiplying Fractions
Test Tuesday on Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Learning Target: I can multiply fractions by fractions, fractions by whole numbers, and  fractions by mixed numbers.

1. Review HW page 39
2.Pages 46 to 53 in workbook-multiplying mixed numbers with canceling (review of stuff from yesterday)
 - IXL K11, and K13
 -reteach with Ms Sobon
 -partner games with reducing
 -page 26 in workbook

Monday, November 18, 2019

11/18 Mon: Multiplying Fraction with Mixed Numbers and Whole Numbers

HW: pages 39-due tomorrow

1. Review HW pages 30 and 33
2. Pages 25 and 29  together as a class
3. Canceling fractions when multiplying-page 31
4. Mulitplying Mixed Numbers-page 36
5. IXL practice 6th grade, K6 and K10 (5 minutes each)
6. Exit Ticket

Friday, November 15, 2019

11/15 Fri: Multiplying Fractions Intro

HW: pages 30 and 33

1. Review HW from yesterday
2.Watch the four EdPuzzle videos on the Google Classroom and complete the activities that go along with them. Start with the last one and work your way up

Thursday, November 14, 2019

11/14 Thurs: Reducing, Comparing, & Ordering Fractions; Review of Addition and Subtraction

HW: Pages 10 (#1-6). pg 12 (#1-9 only), and  page 24 (exercise A and B)
Practice IXL I9 thru I13

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify equivalent fractions.
I can compare fractions and put several in either ascending or descending order.
I can add or subtract fraction accurately.

NOTE: ALL THIS STUFF IS 5th GRADE MATERIAL. That is why we are reviewing it in a day.
1. Review hw pages 13
Reducing Fractions:
2. Review Divisibility rules pages 6 and 7; read pages 9, 15 thru 18
3. do a couple problems on the bottom of page 10 and 17 for practice
4. Work on reducing fractions active inspire ppt with whiteboard
Adding/Subtracting Fractions:
4. Find the LCD (LCM) for sets of fractions (page 8)
5. Read pages 68 and 69.
6. Practice some problems on page 70
7. Read page 71. Practice some problems on page 72 (add/subtract mixed numbers)
Comparing and Ordering Fractions:
8. Read Comparing Fractions on page 18 and 19
9. ordering fractions-read pages 18 and 23

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

11/13 Wed: Intro to Fractions, Review of Mixed Numbers, Improper Fractions

HW: pages 13-due tomorrow
Practice IXL I9 thru I13 (remember, get 5 correct in a row and move on)

LEARNING TARGET:  I can draw a visual representation for fractions.
I can convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa.
I can change fractions to a decimal.

DIN: read page 1 and do page 2 in new book; **Collect fraction video HW**
1. PPT on Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers-see notes
2. Converting Fractions to a Decimal
3. Watch  Fraction Review: Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions with converting
4. Practice converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and mixed numbers to improper fractions.
5. Practice page 3

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

11/12 Tues: Standard Algorithm Test

HW: Watch the Fraction Video and write down 3 things you learned from the video in your workbook-due Wed

Test administered on Standard Algorithm

Friday, November 8, 2019

11/8 Fri: Review for Test on Standard Algorithm Day 2


1. Review LCM and GCF Quiz
2. Finish review packet
3. Jeopardy PowerPoint to study for test!!!
4. Review Packet II-blue packet work on in class

Thursday, November 7, 2019

11/7 Thurs: Review for Standard Algorithm Test

HW: IXL Practice E7 thru E9
Study for TEST TUESDAY 11/12!!!

1. Review page 70 HW
2. Review Exit Ticket in elbow partners.  Small group with Sobon
-PPT about ladder method with notes
3. White Board practice-if extra practice is needed (you can always do this independently for HW tonight to help you study)
4. LCM and GCF Quiz
5. Begin working on Review Packet

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

11/6 Wed: GCF, LCM, Ladder Method, Prime and Composite Numbers

HW: page 70 and IXL E4, E5, E7, E11 (remember, 5 correct in a row and move on)
study vocab on Quizlet-TEST TUESDAY!!

1. Review Page 50 HW
2. Notes foldable on LCM and GCF 
3. Divisibility rules page 51
4. page 52 prime factorization
5. Review Video of LCM and GCF
6. Ladder Method for GCF and LCM-use prime numbers for the frosting!
7. Review PPT to complete together with pages 54 to 69
8. Exit Ticket

Monday, November 4, 2019

11.4 Mon: LCM, Multiples, and GCF Intro

HW: Page 50 workbook-due tomorrow

Learning Target:  I can know how to find the least common multiple of a pair of numbers. I can identify common factors and the greatest common factor for a two or three numbers.

VOCAB: multiples, common multiples, and least common multiple (LCM), factors, greatest common factor, prime factorization, prime number, composite number


1. Real Life Application: Least Common Multiple Father of the Bride Intro
How could he have made a better choice and solved his problem? How many hot dogs and hot dog buns could he have bought to make it even?
2. Calendar demonstration on page 47 with practice problem
3. Practice Problems page 49
4. Word Problems with LCM-use notebook to work out problems
5. GCF Video
6. GCF and LCM Foldable

Friday, November 1, 2019

11/1 Fri: Properties Day 2

HW: Practice the IXL D1 thru D7 (remember, get 5 correct in a row and move on to the next one)

1. Review HW page 90 and PEMDAS Quiz Review
2. Property Sort Activity in Partners
3. Read alouds-Math on Halloween-the Properties of Multiplication and Division AND Math at the Bank-Place value and Order of Operations
4. Number Properties Jeopardy Game

Thursday, October 31, 2019

10/31 Thurs: Properties Day 1

HW:  page 90

1. Identity Property of Addition and Multiplication
2. Distributive Property Video
3.  Manipulative Demo with legos!
4. Read pages 87 and 88
5. practice problems page 89
6. Math Properties Kahoot!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

10/30 Wed: PEMDAS Day 3

HW: Finish the Leaf Worksheet

1. Stations:
-Leaf worksheet
-exponent worksheet
-PEMDAS card activity (do 5 problems)
-Exit Ticket review with Ms. Sobon
2. PEMDAS and Exponent Quiz
3. Video Quest-watch two or three of these links/story of your choice (10 minutes)-complete the graphic organizer
PEMDAS Shuffle
Flocabulary-Order of Operations
Mr. C's PEMDAS Song
Check out the Story of the Order of Operations on Google Classroom

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

10/29 Tues: PEMDAS Day 2

HW: Study for Quiz tomorrow on Exponents and Order of Operations

*Review pages 81 and 82 HW*
2.  Google Slides on Order of Operations on Google Classroom (use whiteboards)
3. PEMDAS Card Carousel Group Activity
4.  Exit Ticket-review in class together

Sunday, October 27, 2019

10/28 Mon: Order of Operations Intro

HW: pages 81 and 82

Learning Target: I can evaluate an expression according to the order of operations.

1. Intro to Mathantics-Order of Operations
2. Order of Operations BrainPop
3. Notes on pages 79 and 80

Friday, October 25, 2019

10/25 Fri: Exponents Day 2

HW:  Practice IXL D4, D5 and D6 (get 5 correct in a row and move on)

Learning Target: I can evaluate exponents with decimals and fractional bases.
                           I can identify the base and the exponent given a product.
1. Review page 72 hw
2.Talk about fractional bases, negative exponents, decimal bases, and negative bases-4 square notes!! Direct instruction lesson
3. Practice IXL D4, D5, and D6

Supplemental Game :Play Exponents Game

Thursday, October 24, 2019

10/24 Thurs: Exponents Day 1

HW:Workbook page 72-due tomorrow

Learning Target: I can evaluate exponents.

1. Review HW page 16
2. Watch the Exponent BrainPop and take the review quiz as a class
Read the rules for exponents and be sure to know them:
Any number (except 0) raised to the zero power is equal to 1.1490 = 1
Any number raised to the first power is always equal to itself.81 = 8
If a number is raised to the second power, we say it is squared.32 is read as three squared
If a number is raised to the third power, we say it is cubed.43 is read as four cubed
3. Read the story, One Grain of Rice.  Discuss how the story illustrates exponents.
4. Do some practice problems in workbook page 73 and 71

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

10/23 Wed: Conversions with Decimals and Fractions

HW: page 16 Exercise 6 only

Learning Target: I can convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.

1. Watch the Decimals to Fractions video and Fractions to Decimals video-take notes in book on back of page 13
2. Read page 14
3. Practice problems on page 15 in small groups

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10/22 Tues: Decimal Operation Quiz and Word Problems Practice

HW:  page 37

1. Quiz on Operations for Decimals
2. Word Problems-read page 36
3. Work on slideshow  of word problems (pages 40 thru 46 in wkbk)

Monday, October 21, 2019

10/21 Mon: Review of Decimal Operations

HW: Study for Decimal Operation Quiz tomorrow (you can practice on IXL any Gs and Hs under 6th grade)

1. Dividing Decimals and Operations review-yellow sheets
2. Exit Ticket Review
3. Play Pilgrim Board Game in groups of -multiplying and Dividing Decimals

Friday, October 18, 2019

10/18 Fri: Division of Decimals Day 2

HW:  Practice IXL H4, H5, and H7-8 minutes each
         Study for Decimal Operation Quiz MONDAY!!

Learning Target: I can divide decimal numbers accurately.
I can choose which operation I need to solve real life problems with decimal numbers.

1. Review HW page 34
2. Read page 33 in workbook together, and watch Division of Decimal video
3. Work on worksheet on dividing decimals (and review) in small groups in class
4. Exit Ticket on Multiplication and Division of Decimals

Thursday, October 17, 2019

10/17 Thurs: Dividing Multi-Digit Numbers with Decimals

HW: pages 34 all

Learning Target: I can divide decimal numbers by a decimal and whole numbers by a decimal accurately.

DIN: page 28 (#1-4)-go over as a class
If you need to review basic division principles please review these videos Division BrainPopLong Division and Long Division with Two Divisors
1. go over homework page 27 and Exit Tickets from yesterday (if it says, SEE ME on it, make arrangements to meet with me during iLabs today or tomorrow!!)
2. Watch Dividing Decimals
3. Review the Dividing Decimals PowerPoint-with notes
4. practice problems page 31 and 32

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

10/16 Wed: Multiplying Decimals

HW: Page 27 in wkbk
        practice IXL O.1 and O.2 under 6th grade math

Learning Target: I can multiply decimal numbers by a whole number and a decimal number accurately. 

NOTE: LOOONNGG POST!! Read all the way to the bottom!
DIN: Adding and Subtracting Decimals Exit Ticket
1. Review HW page 25 in wkbk
2. Read page 26
3. Practice decimal point placements page 30
4. Do a couple problems on page 27.
5. Extra Practice: Complete Placing Decimals Practice Problems slideshow-with white boards

If needed, Review of Multi-Digit Multiplication Process
Multiplication by One Digit Multiplier
Multiplication by a Two-Digit Multiplier
**Discuss how multiplying decimals is the same but with decimals places to count up and add at the end**
Please know these words for the unit.

Friday, October 11, 2019

10/15 Tues: Practice with Adding and Subtracting Decimals

HW: page 25 in workbook

1. Review Page 24 homework
2. Orange book-pages 89 thru 96. You can work with a partner.  Review answers together.

10/11 Fri: Quiz and Start Addition and Subtraction of Decimals

HW:page 24 (all)-due Monday
Practice IXL ALL the Fs (6th grade)-no more than 10 minutes on each) over the weekend :)

Learning Target: I can add and subtract decimal numbers accurately.

1. Quiz on Decimal Place Value
2. Read page 21 together, practice problems on page 22 together
3. Watch  Line 'Em Up Adding and Subtracting Decimal Song
4. Do page 23 and correct it after

Thursday, October 10, 2019

10/10 Thurs: Stations for Decimal Value Practice

HW: QUIZ TOMORROW ON comparing and ordering decimals and place value

1. DIN: Complete 18 using the TABLE METHOD
There are 4 games to play that involve decimals. We will rotate every 10 minutes:
  • comparing decimal task cards (complete answer key)
  • Burglary Pizazz Worksheet
  • 3-1 Decimal Worksheet
  • Decimal War

Supplemental Activities:
Play the two games independently after school, at home-
Placing Decimals in Order-Balloon Game
Comparing Decimals Quiz Game

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

10/9 Wed: Intro to Mrs. Trew FACS Teacher


1. Introduction to Mrs. Trew, the FACS teacher
2. Learn about cooking groups and procedures in the FACS room
**Shortened classes due to a shortened day**
We are cooking in FACS next week!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

10/8 Tues: Comparing and Ordering Decimals

HW: Study for Quiz FRIDAY on place value, rounding, and comparing decimal numbers
        (play the games that are on the blog posts)

Learning Target:  I can identify which decimal number is larger or smaller.
                             I can arrange decimal numbers in order of greatest to least (descending) and least to greatest (ascending) order.

DIN: Correct HW page 17
 1.Watch Comparing Decimals Scholastic AND Ordering Decimals Song
2. Do the Around the Room Activity

Monday, October 7, 2019

10/7 Mon: Rounding Decimals

HW: page 17
 IXL F6 and F7-grade taken for HW grade 
Play the Place Value Quizlet  
Practice  the Place Value games for practice ScooterQuest Hockey Decimals,  and  Football Math
Decimal and Place Value Quiz Friday!

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify the number places in decimal numbers.
I can round decimals to a specific place value.

DIN: Page 18 in workbook
1. Review HW pages 13 and 19
2. Watch the Mathantics Video on Rounding
     Take notes as the video goes.
3. Do pages 6 together (using the T chart method)
4. White Board practice with rounding decimals (based on Decimal Brainpop data)

Friday, October 4, 2019

10/4 Fri: iReady Math Diagnostic


iReady Math Diagnostic

Thursday, October 3, 2019

10/3 Thurs: Rounding Decimals

HW:  page 13 and 19 (review of comparing decimals)
Play math games below (20 minutes a day throughout the weekend)

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify the number places in decimal numbers.
I can round decimals to a specific place value.

I can accurately compare two or more decimal values and indicate which one is greater and which one is smaller with a detailed understanding for its explanation.

DIN: Read page 8 in workbook
1. Review HW pages 3 and 4
2. Comparing Decimals-page 5 together as a class-take notes
3.Play the What's My Number? Game (page 7 in workbook) and try to get the largest number.  Get into partners and place a pile of number cards in the center of the table, face down.  Choose a card and place the digit where you think it will make the largest number.  You have to pronounce the number aloud.  Whomever makes the largest number gets a point!

4. Watch BrainPop on Decimals.Complete review quiz after the video.
5.  Read pages 10 and 11 together and then do practice problems on page 12

ADDITIONAL PRACTICE: Play some math games with decimal place value for practice:
Hockey Decimals
Football Math

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

10/2 Tues: Place Value with Decimals

Image result for place value chart

pages 3 and 4 in new workbook
1. Review Integer Test
2. Watch Place Value video.  Be able to do the following and write how you would teach a student these things in your notebook:
  • identify the vocab that you think students should know from the video.  Define them.
  • Explain how number place affects a digit's value
  • explain how groups are used in our number system
  • explain expanded form of number
3. Read pages 2, 3, and 5 in new workbook4. Watch the Mathantics Decimal Place Value video
Take 4 square notes:
  • vocabulary
  • what does direction matter for place value?
  • how does the decimal point impact the value of a digit?
  • important images
ADDITIONAL PRACTICE LINK: practice with the problems on this this link.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Monday, September 30, 2019

9/30 Mon: Integer Test

HW: None

Integer Test-untimed, take your time. Cannot use a calculator or your notes. Good luck!  You will  do awesome!!!

Friday, September 27, 2019

9/27 Fri: Integer Review Day 2


**Review graded work from over the last few days** MAKE CORRECTIONS! FINISH THE UNFINISHED!!
1. Review Integer unit review packet
2. Distance between 2 points sheet
3. Kahoot games

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

9/26 Thurs: Integer Review

HW: Complete Integer Review Packet
Integer Test MONDAY!!

1. Review HW worksheet
2.  Integer Study Card
3. Begin working on Integer unit review packet

9/25 Wed: Distance Between Points

HW: Distance Between Points Independent Practice Worksheet-due tomorrow 
PLay this game to find distance between 2 points!

1. PPT (BetterLesson) on coordinate plane review
2.  Think About It and New Material-distance between points on a graph using absolute value
3. Page 145 thru 148 in orange book. Review Answers together as a class.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

9/24 Tues: Reflections and Integer Review and Practice

HW: IXL X1 thru X6 (grade taken as is from IXL) 
Begin Studying for Test coming up Friday this week! 

DIN: Coordinate Grid Sheet
1. Review HW page 121 and 122
**See notes posted on class dojo for study support**
2. Watch the LearnZillion video on reflections across the x and y axis and take notes in notebook
3. Stations-
a.Rational and Irrational Numbers sort sheet
b. Lesson 2: Real World Positive and Negative Numbers and Zero
c. Graph points and reflect over the x and y axis
d. Ms. Sobon-Exit Ticket review and differentiation
Checks-Legends of Learning

Monday, September 23, 2019

9/23 Mon: Reflections Across the X Axis

HW: page 121 (#s 2 and 3), page 122 (#s 1-3, 6, 8, and 9)

Learning Target: I can reflect simple points across the X and Y axis and differentiate between them using prime notation. 

DIN: 10.0 sheet on graphing
1. Review HW
2. Review graphing points on mini-coordinate plane and play Battle Ship with a partner!
3.  Reflection across the X axis
  • Use another sheet of graph paper to set up the coordinate plane the same.  Be sure to label the axes and the x and y axes.  
  • label the axis
  • label the integers on both number lines (the axes) up until 7 on each end (positive and negative)
  • graph the following point E (-3,-4).  Write the coordinates on the graph below. 
  • Notice what quadrant the point is in. 
  • Fold the paper exactly on the line of the X axis.  
  • heavily shade over the back of the point.
  • open the paper up. What happened? 
  • Which quadrant is the new reflection point in?  
  • Write the new coordinates under that point on the bottom half of the graph paper.  Label this point with prime notation
NOTE: If you draw two images, use DOUBLE PRIME NOTATION to indicate which image came first and second.
4. Orange Book-page 143 and 144
5. Exit Ticket

Friday, September 20, 2019

9/20 Fri: Reflections across the Y axis

HW: page 121 (#s 1 and 4), page 122 (#s 4, 5, 7, and 10)
DIN: Read page 120
1. Review HW page 63
**PM GROUP-need to do graphing activity from yesterday first**
2. Watch Intro to Reflections Video (stop after reflecting across the y and x axis)
VOCAB: line of reflection, prime notation, reflection across the x and y axis, congruent, image
3. EXPLORE! Using graph paper, draw the coordinate plane-notice the arrow heads on the end of both x and y axes.  They indicate that the number line continues in both directions indefinitely.
  • label the axis
  • label the integers on both number lines (the axes) up until 7 on each end (positive and negative)
  • graph the following point A (2,3).  Write the coordinates on the graph.  Connect them in order with darkened lines.
  • Highlight the Y axis.  Fold the paper exactly on the line of the Y axis.  
  • heavily shade over the back of the paper where the point is.
  • open the paper up. What happened? 
  • Which quadrant is the "reflection point" in?  
  • Write the new coordinates under that image point and label each of the image points with prime notation
4. Review the REFLECTION NOTE PAGE at the back of the workbook.  Highlight Y AXIS.  Identify the rule for reflecting points in the y axis.
5. Begin working on HW

Thursday, September 19, 2019

9/19 Thurs: Graphing Practice

HW: Page 63

DIN:  Watch the following two videos as a review of graphing coordinate pairs on a coordinate plane
1. Review HW and Differentiation with Exit Ticket data
2. Exit Ticket Activity-Graph paper set up axis and scales, and graph points

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

9/18 Wed: Coordinate Plane

HW:  pages 117 and 118-due tomorrow

Learning Target: I can graph points on a coordinate plane. I can identify coordinates of a point on a coordinate plane.

DIN: Page 26 in workbook and review Integer Quizzes (stay after school if I wrote "see me" or "redo" on it)
1. Review page 31 HW
2. Watch TYPES OF NUMBERS song and  Coordinate Plane and Plotting Points video-take notes together in notebook
3. pages 113 to 116 in workbook
4. Exit Ticket

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

9/17 Tues: Types of Number Sets

HW: page 31

Learning Target: I can identify which numbers belong to which number sets (real, whole, integers, rational, and irrational numbers)

DIN: Read pages 10 thru 12 together and highlight important ideas, terms
1. Correct HW pages 57 and 60
2.Integer Quiz
3. LOg into School Tool-teach how to check grades
4. Watch the video on types of numbers
5. take the numbers on page 14 and place them in the correct category in the graphic organizer on page 13
5. Review pages 15 thru 22.
6.  EXIT TICKET is the "Quiz" on page 24

Monday, September 16, 2019

9/16 Mon: Absolute Value

HW: pages 57 and 60-due tomorrow
QUIZ ON INTEGERS TOMORROW!  (graphing on a number line, comparing, ordering, and absolute value)

DIN: Read Absolute Value Intro-page 49 thru 51 notes AND complete the Math Vocab Chart for ASCENDING, DESCENDING, INVERSE NUMBER and INTEGER
1. Check HW 34-36 and review
2. Watch BrainPop on Absolute Value and page 54 in workbook
3. Page 52 together
4. Add ABSOLUTE VALUE to the vocab sheet (somewhere) and list examples and nonexamples
5. IXL M4 and M5 under 6th grade (remaining time)

Additional videos to watch for additional support:
Math Shorts
Ferris Bueller Absolute Value Ferrari
AV Schmoop
Practice problems  of absolute value

Friday, September 13, 2019

9/13 Fri: Integers Fun Stations

HW: Pages 34 thru 36 in workbook
Study for Integer Quiz Tuesday!

LEARNING TARGET: I can compare and order integers correctly in both ascending and descending order.

1.Review Exit Ticket Data with Differentiation Activity (alike-black, different-green) and page 7 HW
2. Play Integer Game Stations (8 minutes at each)-groups of 6
  • Candyland
  • Chutes and Ladders 
  • IXL M6 and M7 (get 10 correct in a row for each!) (if time, M1, M2, and M4)
  • pages 47 and 48 in workbook

Thursday, September 12, 2019

9/12 Thurs: Comparing Integers

HW: Complete page 7 

Learning Target: I can graph integers on a number line.

DIN: Exit Ticket on Integer Identification
Pretest results with reflection sheet-preview your pretest and see what you would like to improve
1. Review HW
2. Whole class activities
-watch the three edpuzzles on the google classroom and answer the questions along with each video
- placing situation integer cards on the number line
-real life examples of integers
3. Exit Ticket out the door
4. practice page 7 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

9/11 Wed: Integer Introduction

HW: Pages 4 and 5 in Workbook AND watch the Integer Video and write down 3 things you learned from the video (see pages 10 and 11 for notes that go along with the video)

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify an integer on both sides of zero on a number line.

DIN: Read pages 1 and 2 in Integer Workbook (handed out today in class)
1. Integer Pretest
2. What is an Integer? video-watch as a whole class  (Integer Instacram)
3. Integer Quiz-whole group
4. How Do Integers relate to Sea Level?
5. Practice problem 1 from page 4 and page 5 (#2 and 3)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

9/10 Tues: Multiplication Fact Review and Focus Stations

HW: IXL E 16-4th grade (review)

1.Set up progress folders
2.  Multiplication Fact Drill (review from Fridays data) and new drill for today-how many can you get correct in a minute?!
3. Stations-
Station 1-play war with blue fact cards.  Whomever has the biggest product wins the hand!  The goal is the whomever has the largest pile of cards when the time is up wins!
Station 2-Triangle cards and fact cards drill/review in partners or groups of 3
Station 3-Math 24 Game.  Use each number once only and you can use any combination of operations to get to 24!!
Station 4-Dice Roll Drill-roll the dice and whomever says the correct product first gets the point (take a tally on your science station loose leaf paper)

Monday, September 9, 2019

9/9 Mon: Intro Activities

HW: get homework strategy sheet signed by parent

1.Math Common Core Pre Assessment
2. Fill Here's the Scoop pre conference form
3. Partner Multiplication Drill activity with the triangle cards
4. Follow Directions Activity with small groups

Friday, September 6, 2019

9/6 Fri: Multiplication and Division Facts

HW: return signed syllabus, Practice facts with your triangle cards

1. Collect signed syllabus
2.Math Workbook hand out and label
3. 2 truths and 1 lie activity
4. Multiplication sheet drill
5. triangle card activity
6.Name Origin Poster Activity

TEAM LIT (4th Per): Get Chromebooks and do the Outdoor part of the matrix

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

9/5 Thurs: Welcome Back to Message for Math and Science

HW:  Return the Course Syllabus signed (due tomorrow)
         Pracrice  Multiplication Facts and Division Facts-15 minutes each
                                                      :Image result for math calmness
2nd/6th period:
1. School agenda and schedule review
2. Class Dojo and IXL information roll out
3. Review Course Syllabus
4. Intro Activity:   Sentence starter: "One thing I want my teacher to know is...."
3rd/7th period:
5. Multiplication Drill Activity
6. Name Origin Activity-if time (My goal: I will know all your names by the end of the second day!)

TEAM LITERACY:PBIS Matrix (Chromebooks, Emergency, Bathroom, Hallways)